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Чтение файла в формате mp3

Формат очень простой. Для начала приведу таблицу с описанием заголовка (он идет сразу с сначала файла):

Name of Field

Bit Numbers

Code to Extract


Frame Sync

A frame can, in principle, start at an arbitray byte offset into the audio stream. The beginning of a frame header is indicated by 11 ones, starting at the beginning of a byte.

inBuf[ 0 ] 0:7

InBuf[ 0 ]

Since the first 11 bits of a header are all 1s, inBuf[ 0 ] must have a decimal value of 255, which is eight ones in binary.

Frame Sync continued

inBuf[ 1 ] 5:7

(InBuf[ 1 ] >> 5) & 7

If inBuf[ 0 ] is 255, and if the first three bits of the next byte have the value 7 (three 1s in binary), the beginning of a valid MP3 header has been found.

Audio Version (phase)

inBuf[ 1 ] 3:4

(inBuf[ 1 ] >>3) & 3

The next two bits tell the MPEG version:

  • 0 = MPEG-2.5 (a non-standard extension to MPEG-2)
  • 1 = reserved
  • 2 = MPEG-2
  • 3 = MPEG-1


inBuf[ 1 ] 1:2

(inBuf[ 1 ] >> 1) & 3

The next two bits tell the layer:

  • 0 = reserved
  • 1 = Layer III
  • 2 = Layer II
  • 3 = Layer I

Protection Bit

inBuf[ 1 ] 0

InBuf[ 1 ] & 1

If this bit is 0, the header is followed by two bytes of error detection bits before the audio data starts.

Bit Rate Index

inBuf[ 2 ] 4:7

(InBuf[ 2 ] >> 4) & 15

The next four bits are a row index into a doubly subscripted arry of bit rates.

See note below.

Sampling Rate Index

inBuf[ 2 ] 2:3

(inBuf[ 2 ] >>) & 3

For MPEG-1, the values are as follows:

  • 0 = 44,100 Hz
  • 1 = 48,000 Hz
  • 2 = 32,000 Hz
  • 3 = reserved

Padding Bit

InBuf[ 2 ] 1

(inBuf[ 2 ] >> 1) & 1

If this bit is a 1 and the layer is III, the frame has an extra (unused) byte at the end. For layers I and II the padding amount, if present, is four bytes.

Private Bit

inBuf[ 2 ] 0

InBuf[ 2 ] & 1

Different programs can interpret this bit different ways.

Channel Mode

inBuf[ 3 ] 6:7

(inBuf[ 3 ] >> 6) & 3

This two bit code tells whether the information is in stereo or not:

  • 0 = Stereo
  • 1 = Joint Stereo
  • 2 = Dual Channel
  • 3 = Single Channel

Mode Extension

(Only if Joint Stereo)

inBuf[ 3 ] 4:5

(inBuf[ 3 ] >> 4) & 3

Used internally by the decoding algorithm.


inBuf[ 3 ] 3

(inBuf[ 3 ] >> 3) & 1

If this bit is set, the audio material is copyrighted.


inBuf[ 3 ] 2

(inBuf[ 3 ] >> 2) & 1

If this bit is set, this file is the orginal media used to hold the audio information.


inBuf[ 3 ] 0:1

InBuf[ 3 ] & 3

Used internally by the decoding algorithm.

Notes on the Bit Rate Table:

The column index for the Bit Rate table is derived from the combination of the phase and layer as follows:

0 Phase 1, Layer I

1 Phase 1, Later II

2 Phase 1, Layer III

3 Phase 2 or 2.5, Layer I

4 Phase 2 or 2.5, Layer II or III

The row index should never equal fifteen.

The Bit Rate Table is avalable as a public array of int named bitRateTable in class MP3header.

Информация о исполнителе, альбоме, годе, жанре храниться в последних 128 байтах файла. Следующая таблица описывает формат к котором она храниться:




Must be "TAG".
If not, there is no ID3 tag in this file


Song Title


Performer's Name


Name of the Album







Пример класса, вычитывающий информацию из ID3V1 TAGS:


public class MP3header
  private String Artist="";
  private String Album="";
  private String Song="";
  private String fname="";
  private long bitrate=0;
  private long year=0;
  private long stereo=0;
  private long fsize=0;

  static private int[][] bitRateTable  =
    //  Ph 1L-I   Ph1 L-II    Ph1 L-III  Ph2 L-I    Ph2 L-II&III
      { 0,        0,          0,         0,         0       },
      { 32000,    32000,      32000,     32000,     8000    },
      { 64000,    48000,      40000,     48000,     16000   },
      { 96000,    56000,      48000,     56000,     24000   },
      { 128000,   64000,      56000,     64000,     32000   },
      { 160000,   80000,      64000,     80000,     40000   },
      { 192000,   96000,      80000,     96000,     48000   },
      { 224000,   112000,     96000,     112000,    56000   },
      { 256000,   128000,     112000,    128000,    64000   },
      { 288000,   160000,     128000,    144000,    80000   },
      { 320000,   192000,     160000,    160000,    96000   },
      { 352000,   224000,     192000,    176000,    112000  },
      { 384000,   256000,     224000,    192000,    128000  },
      { 416000,   320000,     256000,    224000,    144000  },
      { 448000,   384000,     320000,    256000,    160000  },
      { -1,       -1,         -1,        -1,        -1      },

  public void setArtist(String s)
  { Artist=s.trim();

  public String getArtist()
  { return(Artist.trim());

  public void setAlbum(String s)
  { Album=s.trim();

  public String getAlbum()
  { return(Album.trim());

  public void setSong(String s)
  { Song=s.trim();

  public String getSong()
  { return(Song.trim());

  public String getFName()
  { return(fname.trim());

  public long getFSize()
  { return(fsize);

  public void setYear(long y)
  { year=y;

  public long getYear()
  { return(year);

  public void setBitrate(long b)
  { bitrate=b/1000;

  public long getBitrate()
  { return(bitrate);

  public void setStereo(long b)
  { stereo=b;

  public long getStereo()
  { return(stereo);

  public void loadInfo(String fname)
  { try{ this.fname=fname;
         File f = new File(fname);
         long len=f.length();
         byte[] buf=new byte[128];
         FileInputStream fis;

         fis = new FileInputStream(f);,0,128);
         int lay=(buf[ 1 ] >> 1) & 3;
         int mpeg=(buf[ 1 ] >> 3) & 3;

// mpg-1.0
           case 3:
                   { case 3: mpeg=0;
                     case 2: mpeg=1;
                     case 1: mpeg=2;
// mpg-2.0
           case 0:
           case 2:
                   { case 3: mpeg=3;
                     case 2: 
                     case 1: mpeg=4;
         int btr=((buf[2]>>4) & 15);
         setStereo((buf[ 3 ] >> 6) & 3);

         fis = new FileInputStream(f);

         setSong(new String(buf,3,29));
         setArtist(new String(buf,33,30));
         setAlbum(new String(buf,63,30));
         try{ setYear(Long.parseLong(new String(buf,93,4)));
            } catch(Exception e) { setYear(2001);}
       } catch(Exception e)
         { System.out.println(""+e);
Таблица жанров:
public final String[] genreNames =
  "Blues",              "Classic Rock",     "Country",
  "Dance",              "Disco",            "Funk",
  "Grunge",             "Hip-Hop",          "Jazz",
  "Metal",              "New Age",          "Oldies",
  "Other",              "Pop",              "R&B",
  "Rap",                "Reggae",           "Rock",
  "Techno",             "Industrial",       "Alternative",
  "Ska",                "Death Metal",      "Pranks",
  "Soundtrack",         "Euro-Techno",      "Ambient",
  "Trip-Hop",           "Vocal",            "Jazz+Funk",
  "Fusion",             "Trance",           "Classical",
  "Instrumental",       "Acid",             "House",
  "Game",               "Sound Clip",       "Gospel",
  "Noise",              "AlternRock",       "Bass",
  "Soul",               "Punk",             "Space",
  "Meditative",         "Instrumental Pop", "Instrumental Rock",
  "Ethnic",             "Gothic",           "Darkwave",
  "Techno-Industrial",  "Electronic",       "Pop-Folk",
  "Eurodance",          "Dream",            "Southern Rock",
  "Comedy",             "Cult",             "Gangsta",
  "Top 40",             "Christian Rap",    "Pop/Funk",
  "Jungle",             "Native American",  "Cabaret",
  "New Wave",           "Psychadelic",      "Rave",
  "Show Tune",          "Trailer",          "Lo-Fi",
  "Tribal",             "Acid Punk",        "Acid Jazz",
  "Polka",              "Retro",            "Musical",
  "Rock & Roll",        "Hard Rock",

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